
Witz des Tages

from: urgentmail informail0:
at: 13.03.2008, 14:48
to: office@haubentaucher.at
subject: An Urgent Assistance

„My name is Abu Omar al-Majid a citizen of Iraq and son of Ali Hassan al- Majid(Chemical Ali) who was condemed and approved for death by hanging.

There is this reasonable amount of funds which my father kept in Europe, now i have decided to invest it outside my country,because of my fathers current situation and also of my family security.

Please i want you to assist me in transfering the fund s into your private accoun t for investment purposes.
Please if you can be of an assistance to me rep ly me to my private email addresses, abuomar77@aim.com.

On your reply i will update you more of the funds.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Abu Omar al-Majid

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Was lernen wir daraus?
1) Sie probieren es mit den aberwitzigen Schmähs.
2) der Sohn des chemischen Ali verwendet web.de – sehr interessant.
3) Wo dürfen wir das Geld abholen, Mr. Abu?

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